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Landscape drawing for planning permission
Visual impact assessment for planning applicationVisual impact assessment and landscapingLandscape plan for planning permission

Planning Applications

Planning rules and policies are complex and ever changing, but the trend is towards increased emphasis on sustainability and the environment.  Having said that, the rules governing Permitted Development Rights – those things that are already deemed to have planning permission – have changed quite a bit recently, and do allow somewhat larger house extensions now.

Many aspects of landscape works fall within what is Permitted Development.  However, "Engineering Works" always require planning permission: this can include such things as large retaining walls and earthworks.  It is also important to remember that Permitted Development Rights are different in National Parks, AONBs, Conservation Areas and certain other designated areas, and the rules are different for Listed Buildings, too.

Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment

For larger projects and sensitive locations the local planning authority may require a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment. This is an assessment of how the proposed development will affect its surroundings, and how the effects can be mitigated, and forms part of the planning application documentation. It may include photomontages and other drawings to assist visualization.

Landscape Plans

There is frequently a requirement for landscape and planting plans to accompany planning applications. Although some authorities insist on full hard and soft landscaping details, a Landscape Plan detailing existing trees retained, proposed new trees, and hedges, with other planted areas shown only in outline, is often sufficient. We will work with you to achieve a site layout that reflects and potentially enhances the environment, and makes best use of existing features and views.

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