We are always very happy to consider projects elsewhere in Europe, especially southern Germany and Switzerland, and Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Summary: SLANT 2011 Garden Design Competition entry - landscaping of 3/4 acre lakeside site
Location: Bavaria, Germany
Scope of work: Conceptual Plan and Visualisations. Short listed and awarded Certificate of Merit
This contemporary Bauhaus style home stands beside one of the most beautiful lakes in Bavaria, Germany. The clients, keenly interested in aesthetics, are enthusiastic social entertainers and so extensive outdoor seating is important, as is a swimming pool.
the design
Upon entering the driveway, you will find yourself in a cool and shaded woodland front garden: architectural plants such as Astilboides, Rodgersia, and Darmera peltata, interspersed with Asarum Europaeum, Hedera and Hostas, are surrounded by mature beech and oak trees. The view from the glassed entrance area is of a water feature with a multi-stemmed Amelanchier lamarkii apparently growing out of the water (actually growing through a tube).
The main route of flow in the garden is clockwise, from the kitchen garden, with its contemporary vegetable-growing containers and local polished granite setts, onto a deck leading around the living room area. You then drop down two steps onto the dining terrace and pool side. On your journey you will pass mass planting of grasses such as Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfeder', Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' or Pennisetum orientale. Planting in large numbers gives a feeling of space and freedom. As you draw closer to the lake, the planting gets more natural. Shrubs like Cornus alba sibirica surrounded by Cortaderia selloana'Pumila', and masses of Sedum 'Herbstfreude' and Bergenias, provide great interest throughout the year.
On the east side of the house steps take you down to the lawn, which then slopes gently away to the lake. A wooden gazebo with a circular deck extending over the water's edge is an ideal place to sit and enjoy the alpine views and sunset. On the west side of the house there is a shaded patio, paved with polished granite setts, as a respite on a hot summer day. The water feature, with running water, distracts from any noise from passing traffic. This small oasis of forest calm is visible from all three bedroom windows, giving the feeling of being in the forest.
Around the main swimming pool is a further sunny deck, surrounded by Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' as well as perennial planting such as Verbena bonariensis and Thalictrum delavayi for an 'airy' effect. A mass bed with Astilbe chinensis 'Maggie Daley' sets a great colour contrast against the white house.
Bespoke wooden furniture around the whole garden enhances the natural feel and makes this garden enjoyable in every corner.
This design received an Award of Merit in the 2011 SLANT International Garden Design Competition, judged by esteemed designers John Brookes MBE, Anthony Paul and Hugh Ryan
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