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Garden Construction and Planting

Construction Monitoring

During construction we can perform contract administration and construction monitoring, liaising between you and the contractor, issuing instructions, providing additional information, monitoring progress, and approving invoices for payment. We will attend site to check the setting-out and key points such as depth of footings and drainage falls which are difficult to verify at a later time and, on larger projects, attend regular site meetings.

If you choose to supervise the contract yourself, we are of course always available for advice – either by telephone or on site.

Plant Supply

We source plants from wholesale nurseries and can help with setting out the plants on site. We strongly encourage our clients to ask us to do this, as we consider the planting to be crucial to the overall success of a project and, as the designer, we are ideally placed to ensure the end result achieves the design intent. Both construction and planting may be phased if required.

Phased Implementation

Whilst it is preferable to design a garden as a whole, the implementation can often be phased to suit the client. This may for example mean completing all re-contouring but leaving some hard landscaping or planting to be completed in a year or two's time. Landscape trees can usefully be planted early, giving them time to establish and grow while other building works are completed.

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